Friday, February 27, 2009


Vanity "02
Mountain Wolf "07
Jade Print " 08
Peruvian Man "07

Has it really been almost FOUR months since I touched this blog?? Maybe it's due to the menu of options in my life right now......... "move to Hawaii" is what the little person inside my gut said........ booked flight/ left studio/ quit job/ and then drove up to Vail.... didn't get on the flight . The same person inside my gut said "DO NOT get on that plane"

I am currently looking out onto a crisped snow field about to head further into the mountains of Buena Vista, CO. I guess no sun, warmth, growth, surf, and Aloha for me after all.

Stay tuned Bending is about to shift into an entirely new world filled with art/ photography/ the written word/ charity projects/ and music.

No words of wisdom/ advice or great insight into life. I am just slowly watching the prayer flags hanging out over the deck at a friends house, sipping tea, and looking at the white, dark gray sky. Lack of color I had expected to be viewing, but by no means lack of richness.